SC GOP primary before and after
Debating prowess doesn't matter if you don't try to win the debate
Charles Lewis
On the night before "Cris-rich":
Comment on the likes of Don Wildmon, Sarah Palin, Bobby Harrell et al endorsing Gingrich: now we clearly know who our friends are (and who, in contrast, is just as phony as Newt):He's demonstrated time and again that he's not on our sideEspecially, his first round forfeit at the hands of "Lurch" Kerry in a supposed "debate" on manmade global warming (at a time when the evidence was already overwhelming on our side and therefore he should have mopped the floor with Kerry - especially considering Newt's undeniably super sharp intellect) proved once and for all Newt's a world class pseudocon (always watch what a purported conservative does when he has a chance to actually make a difference).In nominating Newt Gingrich (and his campaign confirms this in spades) we are ignoring all the ammunition he gives the Democrats and banking on his superior debating skills (and the fact that truth is overwhelmingly on our side) to overcome it all vs Obama. But he had all that going into the global warming debate against Kerry and he lost - by out-and-out forfeit. Fool me once, shame on you; twice, shame on me: are we willing to risk the future of American freedom and survivability on the chance that debate history won't repeat itself (as it generally does)?It's clear that on eg big government, guns, bailouts, environmental tyranny, and health care mandates he's diametrically opposed to America's crucial interests.His moral behavior, from Fannie Mae to familial faithlessness, should, in and of itself, cause any Christian leader to back off.The only plausible (though clearly not worthy) excuse for such an endorsement would be the "he's electable (and not as far left as Romney)" rational. But that's not in play here, since Rick Santorum, whose evident consevative and Christian credentials are far more credible than Gingrich's, is in the race. In the two states in play so far, Santorum won Iowa and outpolled Newt in New Hampshire (and he even led Newt in South Carolina till these charlatans started lavushinging spurious endorsements on Gingrich). So electability doesn't give Gingrich a leg up here.
Even my original choice, Michele Bahmann, is drawing my contempt in this regard. She supposedly is mulling whom to endorse, but has announced she won't name anyone till after SC. This reticence favors Newt heavily, in that it implies she's considering someone besides the obvious Santorum; that someone couldn't be Paul, who's savaged her for her Christianity, or Romney, whom she's consistently battered. So the mystery candidate under consideration is obviously Gingrich. Even if she comes out for Santorum, post-SC reality will most likely make it too late.
The morning after:
Newt Gingrich's attacks on Romney's Bain Capitol connections - from a thoroughly marxist perspective - inexorably defines him as being to the left of Mitt. If you accept the obvious fact, then, that Romney is a socialist (which he most definitely is), then Newt must then be an ultra-socialist (as are, in effect, all the useful idiots in SC who voted for him).
A nominee Newt will not try to defeat his ideological identical (Obama), anymore than RINO McCain tried - or anymore than he himself tried to defeat John Kerry in a man-made global warming "debate" where, instead of accpeting Lurch's head on a platter, he conceded in his opening remarks, then went on tour with Pelosi and company promoting the hoax. He'll be there just to ensure that no genuine candidate (one that would try to win) can occupy the ticket.
This is the harvest that we here in Greenville County, SC have reaped for unseating County GOP chairman Samuel Harms who'd provided for free a half mill in legal services trying to abolish open primaries (an unseating after which I publicly divorced myself from the party). As a result of the party's dropping of the given suit, once again it was the Dems (who had no other primary to vote in - the GOP affair was the only game in town) who chose the Republican nominee.
Naturally, they picked the one with absolutely no chance of defeating the sitting dictator - the one with all the infidelity baggage, the support of the individual mandate and global warming hysteria, etc and the history of conceding in debates where all the facts - plus his superior intellect - are on his side. Democrats, you see, unlike the government indoctrination center-trained Republicans who disgraced themselves yesterday, are not idiots.
I aplogize to America on behalf of my county and urge everyone to work diligently to get Pastor Wiley Drake, Dr Laurie Roth, or whomever America's Party ( endorses on the ballot in as many states as possible.
Caveat: no matter how large your state, do not circulate petitiions (empty or filled out) by mail, as USPS "lost" dozens of shipments of mine with who knows how many signatures in '08 when I tried to get the party - and Alan Keyes - on the SC ballot.PS: Personal to Ron Paul: seeing as how you, prior to this fiasco of an election, tried to prevail upon Rick Santorum to withdraw and transfer his support to you, now that Santorum outpolled you (17%-13%), shouldn't you practice what you preach and step aside for him? Y'all two's combined 30% at least would have eclipsed Romney.
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