Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The In-Your-Face Amnesty
by Charles Lewis
You see, the thing is this isn't a real nation.

In a real nation that rejected amnesty and citizenship for invaders nearly a decade ago - laughing at the ludicrous claim that there were only "12-20,000,000" of them in said nation - one wouldn't see even nominal opponents of such legislation parroting that "11,000,000" nonsense - especially after all these years when, not the invaders, but the border agents who've tried to do their jobs, know they face imprisonment, doubtless exponentially increasing the illegals component.

In a real nation, the swirl of major scandals (Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, Ammo-gate, Camp Bastion, Snoopergate...) enveloping an administration like Mr. Obama's would, by now, have made his legislative agenda grind to a halt.  Even his partisans in Congress would have backed off, to save their skin, and certainly he could never get a single opposition party vote on anything he proposed..

In a real nation, the juxtaposition of "IRSecution" with the revelations of at least dozens of individual addresses throughout the country where literally multiple thousands of "crimmigrants" at each location were sent literally multiple millions in checks by the IRS would set off alarm bells that would make amnesty bills a veritable third rail.

In a real nation, no Supreme Court would remove citizenship as a requirement for voting, and ban states from doing anything about the "criminaliens" who cast multiple ballots, removing the credibility of any election result in that "nation."  But even in one where that happened, its occurence this close to an amnesty vote would have sent shockwaves that would have doomed such a bill (particularly one that gives, in reality, say, 50-100,000,000 such invaders - including those who've committed multiple serious crimes - legal voting privileges, and only weakens border security) to virtual unanimous defeat.

But, seen in the light of the fact that this isn't a real nation, it all (even the 15 "Republican" Senators who joined forces with the Democrats in ensuring America's destruction yesterday - thus, ironically, preserving their chances for re-election in the new, "unreal," demographic) makes perfect sense.  Expect the "Republican" House of Reps to pass something - anything, even something sensible - in short order, and expect it to morph into the Senate version in some sort of bicameral reconciliation committee and be rubberstamped by "Betroehner" and company there in fanstasyland.

The net effect of such a travesty is a brazen endorsement - an unmitigated stamp of approval, if you will, of all of the tyranny involved in all of those scandals, and an open invitation to ramp them up.  The only thing I can perceive up that ramp is a North Korean-style totalitarian genocide state.  Get used to it.

However, don't lose hope.  If this isn't a nation, that opens the door to us forming one.  Maybe we can call it the United States of America, and maybe we can shape it into a real nation.  To be sure, the Massachusettses and Vermonts and "left coast" states - along with a New Mexico, Maryland, or Illinois in between, and, most certainly of all, Washington, D.C., are over the cliff and won't be on board.  Though there are certainly loads of precious souls living in these areas, the loss of these would be tantamount to cutting off a cancer.

The ones that would constitute a RUSA (the R standing for "real") would have most of the natural resources (as in the Dakotas, Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska...), plus all the Bible Belt regions.  And, Heaven knows, we need a bunch of blessings.

But we'd have to act fast - before a combination of the rampant election fraud that's already determining so many of the contested races, combined with the inundattion of new "unreal" voters to which the "Gangrahamnesty" law will open the floodgates permanently transform the voting demographics of even these "real" states to something unrecognizable.

That's right, fast.  And occupy, and be ready for the return of Jesus Christ to make all of this academic.

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