Wednesday, November 9, 2011

US votes itself into perdition

by Charles Lewis
November 8, 2011.  Write that date down.  I can't tell you how much of an influence factors like Motor Voter, paperless (easily hackable Diebold) balllots, ACORN-style illegal activites, the New Black Panthers knowing they can intimidate with impunity, and simililar illicit aspects of ths now-banana-republic-style American electoral process contributed to the outcome.  Probably quite a bit.

Even so, the results of two "plebiscites" in America are jarring.  Particularly in view of the fragile condition of our way of life, under assault from all angles, and especially looking ahead to 2012, whose tallies will surely determine whether freedom and prosperity have any chance of existing here (and in the knowledge that God's blessings will be indispensable), the results are troubling.  But first the "good' news:

The voters in a referendum in what otherwise appears a stunningly liberalized Ohio demanded an exemption for the state from the hyper-socialistic centerpiece of the Obama administration, popularly known as ObamaCare.  The outcome will amount to nothing in the face of any unfavorable upcoming SCOTUS decision on the matter, but it does send a message.  I hope that similar measures appear on the touch screens of the thirty-five or so more conservative states in '12, that election fraud doesn't dampen the counts, and that the victorious party nationwide will be faced with an enormous mandate to cut the horrrendous program off at the knees.

And in Mississippi voters had the judgment to see through the lobbying of outgoing establishment RINO Governor Haley Barber and prohibited him from taking private land and bestowing it upon megacorps who'd pay higher taxes.  Kudos.

Now the bad news:

Mississippi voters (we're told) have contradicted what is now well established scientific fact, spat in the face of the clearly espressed will of God, and arbitrarily sentenced (in the long run) millions of innocent pre-borns to hideous execution, in rejecting an initiative that would have officially designated babies in the womb as what they are - people.  "Ole Miss" is the only state where such a topic has come within the reach of the electorate, and possibly the only one traditionalist enough that it could.  According to the report of the vote-counting cybersystem, the voters said no.

And back in Ohio, the voters are said to have, in effect, pronounced the death knell for public sector employment and foisted on the rest of us a second, Greece-like, California, when they defeated an appeal to bring government workers (who make about twice as much - in both salary and benefits - as their free enterprise-employed counterparts, and, famously, do little or no positive, productive work) a step or two closer to the real world.  A rejected ballot item would have ended, to an extent, the ludicrously conflicted-interest practice (even according to socialist prez FDR, BTW) of obligatory unionism (strikes and all) among that group.

Republican Governor John Kasich has been placed in an impossible catch-22.  He does not have the funds - under the Obamaconomy - to provide essential services, and is now denied even the distant prospect of narrowing the outrageously out-of-skew compensation gap between government and real workers.  That a hard working laborer in the capitalist world would vote to keep someone, employed in an identical capacity (though, doubtless, doing far less actual work, and, likely, plenty of harm) by Big Brother, earning twice as much money and bagging astronomically higher perks than the voter himself is testimony to the effectiveness of a mainstream media mendacious beyond belief, along with the world's worst (and conceivably its most nefarious) "school" system.

This will plunge a dagger into that state's private sector's ability to compete for talent with the leviathan.  Government will have to grow (and confiscate profits) to the extent where nearly everybody is either on the dole or working for either the government or some hideously acquiescent "public-private" entity.  And soon, enough people will find this "good life" preferable to actually producing something for a living that the government will be obliged to force people to work.

The United States of Pyonyang will have been birthed (which has been the method to our welfare-state madness for, lo, these many decades of Fabian socialism, regulatory recapture, Cloward/Pivinism, Alinskyism, compassionate conservatism - whatever euphemism you prefer to tag it with).  We're already seeing this in California, and in the demands of the Occupiers nationwide.

More than anything, this seems to mark the downfall of the Tea Party.  Perhaps even more alarming than yesterday's elections is a recent polll that shows nationwide support (in the low twenties) for that amalgam of hard working, generally Christian, patriots (who refrain from inflammatory rhetoric, eschew violence or even civil disobedience,, and leave their rally grounds cleaner than they were when the given rally began) lagging far behind backing (iin the low thirties) for the Occupydiots (who demand an end to capitalism, replaced by cradle-to-grave authoritarian totalitarianism, and have turned the streets of the nation into lawless, contaminated, burned out metrosexual rape zones).

With the economy in worse shape than ever, one would have thought that yesterday would have mirrored, even amplified, the gains of 2010.  It just shows that in an NEA-produced culture, the power of indoctrination and mind control is more of a factor than are common sense reality, the testimony of one's senses, or the overwhelming testimony of thousands of years of the history our kids are no longer taught.

Ya gotta hand it to them progressives.

May God preserve His remnant.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Faux conservative groups leading us off cliff for Newt

by Charles Lewis
Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips is now urging all partiers to support Newt Gingrich (et tu, Judson?).  Phillips thus joined The Patriot Post's Mark Alexander in outrageously giving Newt the highest grades (in Alexander's case, along with fellow phonies Rick Perry and Mitt Romney - all given 6's) among GOP candidates, while relegating Michele Bachmann to a 3.
How soon they "forget" how Newt betrayed us in collaborating with the likes of Billary, Kerry, Gore..
The best way to discern a snake in our midst is to see how he handles himself when victory is within reach.  The ones working for the enemy will go out of their way to, in the words of Phyllis Schlafly in A Choice, not an Echo, "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory."
Bush II did it when Jayna Davis and Democrat pol David Schippers virtually handed him the donkeys' manes on a silver platter re their behavior after OK City.  Bush sent them both packing.
This prompted me to, on a Judicial Watch show on the eve of the Iraq invasion, to predict correctly, that we'd find loads of WMD's, and cover them up.  It was too tantalizingly easy to prove the left ludicrously, dangerously wrong and rid ourselves of them.  Instead, Bush seemed to do everything he could to feed into the "truther" scenario, which led most Americans to believe the right had perpetrated 9/11 (to justify an Iraq invasion that needed no further justification than the absolute proof that Davis and Schippers had produced that Saddam was behind the destruction of the Murrah Building).
Which, in turn, led to our collectivist congress ('07) and marxist globalist dictator ('09).  There are no unintended consequences in national politics.  If it happens (and if it's bad), it was designed that way (PLEASE read, if you haven't already).
Newt's smoking gun was when he "debated" John Kerry on "man-made global warming."  He couldn't have had an easier task:
  • The "hockey stick" graph scandal had destroyed the left's "scientific basis" for the claim,
  • The East Anglia affair had exposed the degree of collusion through which the climate alarmists were consciously deceiving us.
  • It was well established that the world had been cooling, not warming, for more than a decade,
  • It had been revealed that for the years that the earth had in fact been warming, all of the planets in the solar system had heated proportionately,
  • The document supposedly signed by all the top climate scientists declaring man-made global warming a done-deal, indisputable fact had turned out to be a fraud, with the listing of names (as supporters) of many practitioners who actually rejected the notion (and just happened to have participated in the study), and with very few of the "signees" actually qualified, professionally, to opine on the issue,
  • Meanwhile, another document declaring the whole matter a fraud had been circulated - with the signatures of many thousands of genuine climate scientists,
  • The founders of Greenpeace and The Weather Channel had been brave enough to declare the whole thing a scam,
  • A group of eminent scientists, spanning the globe and representing the full gamut of sub-disciplines, had produced (in the UK) a thoroughly convincing debunking of "The Great Global Warming Swindle" (,
  • A court in the self-same (and ultra-PC!) UK had forbidden Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary to be  shown to school children there, without a disclaimer that advised it contained numerous lies,
  • ...just for starters.
The famously sharp-witted Gingrich seemed to have a slam dunk in his sights.  With such a brilliant proponent on the dais, Kerry, without a leg to stand on (and with Americans suffering countless economic consequences of the implementation of laws grounded in the given junk science), was dead meat.  This could go a long way toward turning the tide of the general debate and rallying public sentiment for opening up America's super-abundant energy resources.
Which is precisely why I wasn't the least bit surprised when Newt waved the white flag in his opening remarks that evening.  And then joined Kerry and a coterie of leftwing America haters in a campaign promoting the big lie of man-induced global warming.  (I knew the real Newt Gingrich from his belly-flops in the '90's, and, unlike so many those who call themselves, "conservatives," somehow I hadn't forgotten.)  It was Gingrich's chance to score one big for our side.  Fuggettaboutit.
How many ways can I say this?
  • Fool me once, shame on you, twice, shame on me.
  • He who lies, steals, and he who steals, kills.
  • Trust, once broken, is nearly impossible to restore.
To put one's faith in anyone who's brazenly betrayed us in the past is beyond folly.  It's wicked.
America is in virtual death throes.  This election is too critical to squander on an impostor.  And, par for the course, there's nobody to vote for.
Newt is nefarious.  Perry (Gardasil, just for instance) is pathetic.  Romney (closing down adoption agencies that didn't condemn children to be raised by sodomite perverts - and so much more) is ridiculous.  Paul (voting for out-of-the closet sodomites in the military, thereby in turn chasing out the cream of American youth - ad infinitum) is an affront the principles to which he feigns allegiance.
Jesus. take the wheel.