Friday, August 10, 2012

In Search of God's November Blessings

by Charles R Lewis

Let's take stock:
  • We have a Republican House of Representatives that made a great show of "repealing" Obamacare 33 times - knowing the vote would be useless in the light of a Democrat Senate and White House.  But when it comes to something completely in their power that would stop the abomination in its tracks, they refuse to exercise their prerogative of defunding it (thanks, evidently, to the "leadership" of John Boehner).  One has to ask the question whether these guys are really on our side or just want us to think they are,

  • We have a GOP candidate with a gubernatorial record - on same sex marriage, gun bans, government takeovers of health care, abortion, judicial appointments, ad nauseum - that's at least the equal of any Democrat's in terms of constitutional carnage.  Anyone who thinks we can expect a SCOTUS justice any better than, say, John Roberts, is in deep denial.

Speaking of Mitt Romney, just in the past few days alone he's stated that the likes of:
  • The groundswell for freedom of speech and religion that led to the Chick-Fil-A Day record turnouts and

  • Concerns about the indications of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration at the highest levels of the State Department

are "not part of [his] campaign,"

and confirmed his position that:
  • The Boy Scouts should accept (can you spell "S-a-n-d-u-s-k-y?") gay adult scoutmasters.

And the latest polls show him trailing President Obama by 9 points, and dropping.

Maybe it's just me, but under the circumstances, it appears America needs a miracle from God to survive in any meaningful sense past 2012.  This is not rhetoric; I'm dead serious.

If we're going to get that blessing, are we going to achieve it by Christians casting cowardly votes, purely out fear, for an unrighteous candidate who's plunging in the polls and every day giving indications he doesn't want their votes?

In California this week, an unprecedented event is taking place when that state's American Independent Party decides on a candidate for its guaranteed ballot line.  Competing for the honor are all the most prominent conservative third party hopefuls, including the Constitution Party's Virgil Goode and America's Party's Tom Hoefling, plus several notable write-in hopefuls, including former Southern Baptist Convention VP Wiley Drake (no, "Leftertarian" Gary Johnson doesn't qualify).

The verdict will be issued on Sunday, August 12, 2012.  The victor will be in a position to consolidate support among third party patriots as no other candidate has ever been.

If I am a Christian in any sense beyond the sense in which electoral tackling dummies of the ilk of John McCain and Mitt Romney are "conservatives"...

If the word "faith," if my concept of a just and omnipotent Creator, has any definitive meaning in my life...

If I have the vision and the realistic grounding to read and interpret the graffiti as described above and elsewhere:

then I will back that candidate.  I urge, I beg,  I plead with fellow believers to do likewise.  And I pray to Jehovah that He accept our offering and act accordingly.

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