Friday, June 14, 2013

The Showdown for the Survival of America

  • Speaker Betroehner's diabolical scheme to ram through Gangrahamnesty follows the paradigm of the raising of the debt ceiling a couple years back:
      • Pass something positively palatable (as in close the borders first) in the House,
      • Send it to joint committee, to blend it with a Senate bill so disastrously pro-amnesty, pro-citizenship, and anti security even Marco Rubio (for political purposes, doubtless) is expressing grave reservations,
      • Produce a virtual clone of the Senate bill and present it for confirmation,
      • Put withering pressure on GOP House members, who - like Col West on the debt ceiling - fall in line and rubberstamp, and
      • Combine it with ObamaCare, our rigged election system, the Obrownshirts, the war against Christianity, etc, to deal the death blow that finishes America off.
    • America's own gang of three (Steve King, Louie Gohmert, and lame duck Michele Bachmann) has sniffed this out and recruited a base of about 70 "renegade" GOP congressmen, who plan to openly defy Betroehner, Rove, and the whole the neoRockefeller Republican establishment (losing all future national party funding, decent committee assignments, etc) for putting their nation above the Republicrat Party, thereby sacrificing their political lives.  To wit:
      • Invoke the "Hastert Rule," which forbids an acquienscent GOP House from conspiring with the Social(ist) Democrats and passing a bill with less than half the votes of House Republicans,
      • Muster, however small, a majority in the Republican House that refuses to pass any immigration bill (not even that red herring "palatable" one) whatever, thus keeping the matter out of the grubby hands of that joint House-Senate committee, and
      • Saving the Republic, for the time being, at least.
    • The Senate bill will:
      • Provide welfare benefits even beyond the extravagant ones that already have crimmigrants living better than most hard working Americans,
      • Net, according to Heritage, well over half a million dollars apiece (in 2013 dollars) to the average crimmigrant over his "career,"
      • Break the proverbial American bank, and
      • Establish in perpetuity a collectivist electoral majority for the Democrats in America.
    • If the good gang of three somehow pulls this off, those who help them will have no future in the Republican Party.  This would open the door for their mass migration to what could be a viable third party (America's Party, or, less likely, the Constitution Party, or some variation of a new "Tea" Party?) that, with plenty of help from God, could wrest America from the Republicrats' clutches.  I can dream, can't I?

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