Ron Paul's refusal, in the most recent debate (in Iowa) to credit Justices Thomas, Scalia, et al with any moral or Constitutional superiority to Kagen, Sotomaior, Ginsberg, and Breyer (his "they're all good and they're all bad" reply makes Kerry's "I voted for the bill before I voted against it" seem forthright by comparison). This may be the most significant tidbit yet on Paul.
Quite a few others have described a phenomenon I've encountered in my dealings with Paulistas (and in my observations of the curmudgeon himself):
If you don't march in lockstep with their views (to include military gay pride parades, "In God We Trust" off the money, "America got what she deserved on 9/11," legalized heroin and prostitution, ad nauseum), you're a brainwashed neocon propagandist. Hence his recent smears of Bachmann and Santorum on Leno.
But you must notice that such a monolithic demand doesn't hold when it comes to leftists. The SCOTUS response, for instance, actually elevates the Stalinist wing at the same time it demeans the originalists. On Leno, while he lambasted the only two conservatives in the race, he had nothing malignant to spew on Romney, Gingrich, or Perry, and he actually praised lefty Huntsman, an Obama appointee with far more in common with "that one" than with the two Paul skewered.
And Paul had no problem endorsing the presidential candidacies of far, far leftists Ralph Nader and Sheila Jackson-Lee in '08. Or lavishing accolades on collectivists like Dennis Kucinich and Chuck Hagel and co-sponsoring, with Barney Frank, a bill legalizing Intenet porn. Meanwhile, an ex-COS for one of the few congressmen I've trusted on the Hill has long informed that if you've got a proposal that just might somehow bear fruit and would like Paul's support, you'd best not bother to apply if you're on the right.
Paul leads Iowa, a few days before the caucuses there, as of this writing, and he and Mitt Romney officially have Virginia to themselves, due to a bizarre new rule there. His chances of winning the nomination (at which point the Obamites will beat him into the ground with his past marginally racist statements - along with his seemingly choreographed walk-off on CNN to avoid discussing them) are frighteningly real.
Many years ago, I heard a street evangelist affirm that homosexuals constitute the one class of sinner a member of which he's never seen repent; he didn't think one ever could. The intervening years have disproven that conjecture, and my Save America Summit actually had a redeemed ex-gay serving ably.
The black hole, on the other hand, of Paulism appears to permit neither light nor adherents to escape. Once initiated, one can no longer maintain ties to one's former Judeo-Christian-based principle set. One embraces, in its place, a jealous god in the form of an America-demeaning, hybrid agenda, from the leftist component of which no deviation is allowed, while, for Marxists from Kagen to Kucinich, the rightist elements are fair game.
Ron Paul, a hard leftist out trolling for conservative souls.
Heaven help us.