Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baal worship and Paul worship
by Charles Lewis
Just a note on the "Value Voters Summit" just concluded in Washington:
One of the participants had said in a recent debate that he's just fine with states that want to legalize drugs - not just grass, but right on through heroin.
He sponsored a bill - in concert with DC's most prominent sodomite whoremonger harborer - to legalize porn on the web.
He voted to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and thus hand our military over to a brigade of "flaming faggots" with their oppressive agenda, with horrific sensitivity training, muzzling of our chaplains, who will force our best and brightest to shower with, and sleep next to, perverts who openly ogle them, subject the most moral and effective fighting force in history to politically correct harassment and demonization, run our heroes out of the service to be replaced by ACORN-like brownshirt-style operatives who'll relish the notion of turning their weapons on patriots and Christians here at home, and force a re-institution of the draft.
He's proudly posed for pics with pimps from perverse places like Primm & Pahrump.
I heard him proclaim his favorite fellow Republican candidate as supeRINO Chuck Hagel and his preferred Dem, mega-marxist Dennis Kucinich.
The ACLU has given him as high as a 67% rating.
He opposes a federal ban on abortion.
He echoes Rosie O'Donnell and Ward Churchill in blaming America (for offering even token resistance to global terrorislam) for 9/11, and equating that atrocity to what we'd feel like doing if China were to occupy us.
He's proposing to impeach Obama - not for the thousands of ultra-impeachable offenses he continues to commit toward the destruction of America and her Constitution, but for killing the leading pretender to the throne of the BinLaden empire, a Yemeni with "birthright" citizenship who openly advocated for our massacre.
He's slammed our freedom-loving allies, from Taiwan to Colombia to the former eastern bloc nations, while advocating for virtually chummy relations with satanic enemies from Vietnam to Cuba to Iran.
In an '08 Value Voters debate (source: heroic Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt), he served up a whopping eight (8) of the twelve un-Biblical answers given by all the participants combined.
He and his loyal surrogates have thrice undercut and derailed the most Christian of prez candidates: a redhot Tom Tancredo in the '08 GOP race, Constitution Party online poll winner (in a rout) Alan Keyes later that year, and one-time Repuiblican frontrunner Michele Bachmann this time around.
The ungodly Howard Stern, unsurprisingly, has endorsed him.
He stridently espouses throwing Israel under the bus.
He's RonPaul, and he just won the DC Value Voters straw poll by a whopping 13% over his nearest competition.
If this is the best patriotic Christian conservatives can do, I no longer feel comfortable even beseeching our God for mercy on America.
All I can do is implore that those readers who still love God and country forward this e-mail far and wide, and stand up against this heinous monster that's hijacked the righteous movement, destroying all earthly hope here, and turned countless conservatives into mindless, soul-less liberals, and that causes erstwhile patriots to lip-sync as he continues to spout his litany of leftwing talking points.
Prayerfully asking the Creator to do what He's gotta do,
Charles Lewis
  • Follow-up:  a little tidbit came in about the true nature of RonPaul's resounding "victory" in the recent Value Voters Summit (DC) straw poll: 600 "ringers" were brought in special for that vote at the end of the event; they'd witnessed NONE of the speeches, including Paul's.  (Indications are that Cain - who took 2nd place in the poll by a huge margin over the remaining candidates - was the true winner, in terms of inspirational oratory.)
This does not surprise me in the least, as over the years I've witnessed, on numerous debate broadcasts, audiences apparently going wild over characteristic leftwing comment after characteristic leftwing comment spewing from the mouth of this manchurian madman with the method to the madness.  (That included this cycle's initial debate here in upstate SC, where I know for a fact the vast majority of conservatives have no stomach for that type of posturing.)
I have to wonder how many of these professional itinerant groupies really are supporters of the package of Constitutionalist policy positions Paul uses to gain people's confidence and lure them away from their righteousness like the antichrist I truly believe him to be.  And how many are ACORN-types interested only in downing the few true conservatives that gain any traction in these races.
Actually, I don't just wonder.  I'm convinced.  We need to rise up against this calculated, contrived menace, lest it put the final nail in our collective coffin.