by Charles Lewis
I need the kind of consolation now that only the Holy Father, our Creator, can give.
The latest polls show Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul 1-2-3 among Republican presidential contenders nationwide. None of these three offers a viable alternative to Obama and his satanic collectivism, none, in my view, is sincere, and none would put up anything more than a token fight in the general election campaign - anymore than Dole or McCain did when they obligingly left the gloves on against Clinton and Obama respectively.
Romney had a lower NRA rating than his last communist (read "Massachusetts Democrat") opponent.
He buys into the man-made global warming scam.
He foisted "ObomneyCare" on his state, including mandatory abortion "benefits."
He rigorously and ruthlessly enforced his state's supreme court's outrageously unconstitutional decree (aimed at the legislature, not the governor) to institute sodomite "marriage," causing the arrest of any parent so much as requesting to be informed as to when his government-indoctrination-center-schooled kindergartener was about to be exposed to a unit in queer indoctrination. His actions led to the closing of any adoption agency that refused to sentence orphans to a life of being raised by admitted perverts.
He led his state to financial disaster.
And so on down the list...
Perry mandated - by illlegal executive order - that all 11 and 12-year-old girls received injections of a drug specifically targeting sexually transmitted diseases (thereby sending them the clear message that if they weren't having sex at that tender age they were abnormal), a drug that has a history of causing severe side effects up to and including death. Only a groundswell of public outrage prevented enforcement. (Now he says he's "sorry" he didn't do the exact same thing, only through the legislature, and exhibits the nerve to characterize the abomination as "pro-life" advocacy).
He has a D- in immigration from Roy Beck's NumbersUSA, for a multitude of offenses, from opposing a border fence to giving taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition (in a package that included citizenship) to criminal alien invaders.
He appointed leftwing activist judges and sadbagged originalists.
Faithful Bilderberger globalist that he is, he tried to ram through the "Trans-Texas Corridor" (aka "NAFTA Superhighway") - a highway system the width of several football fields, off-limits to everyday Americans and requiring the seizure of countless acres of homes, farms, and other private property, leading from Mexico (whose trucks would have unfettered access) to Canada. Only an obstinate legislature prevented this gargantuan atrocity, over his ferocious objections.
He doubled government spending in Texas; he sold off much of the state to foreign interests; he inundated it with fascist, cronyistic "public-private partnerships."
He's up to his neck in "No Chld Left Behind" and government controlled charter schools.
He refused to sign legislation banning intrusive TSA searches and peep shows in Texas.
He vetoed the bill in his state that would have remedied the eminent domain decision, and signed a "thought crimes" bill.
And he promotes himself as a true blue tea-party Christian conservative.
But Ron Paul (fresh off a runaway win in a GOP straw poll in the state of CaliGomorrah) is worse. The other two convince people (people who should know better by now) that their (Perry's and Romney's) records and positions on the issues are in line with the principles of patriotic Americans, sincere Christians, and, ultimately, God, when nothing could be further from the truth.
That's reprehensible. But they don't alter these folks' outlook on these issues themselves.
Ron Paul does. He (with the help of several prominent adherents) transforms the very souls of erstwhile patriots. He gets them applauding rhetoric they abhorred when it escaped the mouths of a Rosie O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen, or Barack Hussein Obama; he transforms arch-conservatives into at least partial flaming neo-libs. The other two leave us unscathed spiritually, just smarting from being burned by the umpteenth fraud. Paul destroys the nature of our beings.
To support this charlatan, one must embrace (read: "swallow whole") all of the following (and much more along similar lines):
- 9/11 was America's fault, for daring to place a few meagre obstacles in the path of islammunist world conquest.
- Tom Tancredo, Alan Keyes, and Michele Bachmann are contemptible, worthy of political obliteration, while Dennis Kucinich, Barney Frank, Chuck Hagel, and Howard Stern are righteous viable allies.
- Israel, Poland, Colombia, Taiwan, and the like deserve no support from us in combatting the withering forces of international satanism, while Cuba, Vietnam, China, and Iran can and should be our buddies.
- Access to pornography, prostitution, narcotics from marijuana through heroin, and an openly gay "homophobe"-bashing military are on a level with God-given rights
- Drivers licenses for criminal aliens, and even open borders once we get our financial health in order, are sound policy.
Sound like Christian conservative constitutionalism to you? Talk about a "fundamental transformation"...
And these three toxic pols are, apparently, the best we can do in terms of denying Obama a second, and terminal, term.
In a life-or-death election.
In a party supposedly wed to our founding principles.
Even with the great opportunity presented by the emergence of the tea party movement.
And the republic would be dead on arrival upon an Obama reelection.
Maybe it's because I'm old enough to have seen conservatives fall time and again for similar flim-flammery by demagogues who abruptly and eagerly stabbed them in the backs. Whatever it is, it hurts beyond description.
I'm weary of being the little boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes" on these matters.
There's still God, but I don't see so much as a remnant of a remnant of a remnant worth saving - no "ten righteous men," not even one, in terms of the national stage.
And ignorance is no excuse. We're talking about an alarming lack of spiritual discernment, this is indeed a spiritual dilemma. How can there be an excuse when the stakes are of this magnitude?
I now see zero hope among viable GOP pretenders, and, by extension, zero hope for America. There's God, of course, but at this point, with a citizenry hell-bent on self-destruction, what's in it for Him?
If tears could penetrate a computer keyboard, this document would be stained beyond legibility.